Design your own Vectorial Elevation!
Press the "Design Now" button to open the 3D interface in this page. The program is written in java and takes a few minutes to load, please be patient. When you are finished designing press the "Next" button to search the archive for the five designs that are geometrically closest to yours. If you have problems loading the applet please see the help section.
The 18 searchlights used had 126,000 watts of power with xenon lamps.
The light beams could be seen from a 15 kilometre radius.
While the installation was operating live, the system would work as follows:
a) you would make a design and send it to Mexico,
b) the searchlights would point wherever you told them to,
c) three digital images would document your work,
d) a web page was made with your design and comments.
The requests were numbered and entered into a queue. Every six seconds a new design was shown in the Zocalo square, seen by hundreds of thousands of people in Mexico City and on the internet.
The seachlights were operative every night from 18:00 to 06:00 hours between the 26th of December 1999 and the 7th of January 2000. The site received more than 700,000 visits in this period, from 89 countries and all the regions of Mexico. |